Saturday, December 30, 2006

We've had ourselves a merry little Christmas

.. actually, it seemed to begin in October this year - with the baking of this. It was fed fortnightly with brandy, and iced in time for a little do that we hosted here on the evening of the 23rd Dec.
Next year, I shall feed my Christmas cake each week - it needed more! At least, that's what we all thought at 1.30 am, as our little do came to an end....!
(My photos of the iced cake have yet to be developed, I'm afraid).
And now, two nativity plays, three 'nine lessons and carols' and one visit from Santa later, it's all over and we're looking ahead to 2007. I've no new year's resolutions - I do resolve to do new things or call a halt to doing old things from time to time - but not necessarily at the turn of the year.
Things I'm really looking forward to in 2007 are:
- having Isabel all to myself for one more year (she'll begin half-days at nursery in a year's time)
- visiting friends and family
- reading to myself (current interest is the 'Golden Age of Hollywood')
- reading to Isabel (current favourite is 'The Tiger who came to Tea')
- reading to Michael (he had 'Fantastic Mister Fox' for Christmas - looking forward to re-living that one)!!
.... and tomorrow...
- going to the aeroplane museum.
I LOVE museums, I really do - places that house old stuff. I love the smell of the old stuff, and the dim lighting and wondering what the old stuff would say if it could talk. (Now I sound as I've been ON the brandy, and I haven't, so, on that note, I'll sign off and see what all the noise upstairs is about, and try not to add to it (sounds very much as if one of the children has emptied a very large box of something all over the landing....)

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Name Dropping

So there I was, manning the 'second hand toy stall' at the annual church Christmas fete and wondering how I'd survive the next one and a half hours without collapsing in a heap with boredom, (no-one wants to buy second hand toys at this time of year), when who should appear before me? Jonny Vegas! Yes. THE Jonny Vegas. At OUR Christmas fete. I realised that I knew him before I realised how I knew him, if you know what I mean, so I chirped a very cheery "hello", as if greeting a long lost friend. And he responded, and he was lovely.

That's not my only claim to fame though. Oh no. I can't believe I haven't told 'my blog' this before, but for several months I lived with (i.e. we lodged in the same house - separate rooms; all very platonic) Alan Biley. Go on, google him. He's worth a google - the hair's just priceless!

And the other week I saw Ricky Gervais in a hotel bar (have I mentioned that before?) and I'm forever bumping into Chris Evans, of all people.